Law Firm Targeting and Marketing Services

Attract More Clients To Your Law Firm

More Leads. More Clients. A Better Brand.

There are many aspects of successful law firm advertising. Like most in the legal industry, you rely on traditional marketing methods to reach new clients and niche interest audiences. Direct mail, television / radio ads and email can all be enhanced with IP targeting ads.

Enter IP Target Marketing

By matching physical addresses to specific online IP addresses, IP Targeting becomes your firm’s secret advertising weapon. IP targeting allows you to target your advertising to specific locations, households, and businesses.

IP targeting is 100% cookie-free and connects with real people at an unparalleled accuracy.

Your ads appear on all devices – home computers, tablets, cell phones – any device that someone uses to surf the web. Tap into the power of online advertising networks to have your ad appear on news sites, email portals and other popular sites across the web. It’s all automated and programmatic.

With IP Targeting, you can reach out to new or existing clients in a variety of ways. It’s a great way to keep your firm’s legal services ‘top of mind’.

Sample 300×250 pixel display ad.

Combine online and offline marketing

  • Sending a mailing to prospective clients? We match postal addresses to IPs so your can serve one-to-one targeted digital display and video ads to individual households or buildings – across all devices.
  • Target specific audiences through geofencing. You can target through by specific area, such a neighborhood or development.
  • Running or hosting a legal seminar? Venue Replay allows you to capture people’s Device IDs at events they attend, where they work, where they study, where they shop, and maps the device back to a household address for future targeting.
  • Digital canvassing. Take your address list and target their neighbors with “digital mailers”.

IP Targeting works for any type of attorney that desires to reach a specific audience. Here are a few examples:

  • Small and large law firms
  • Solo law practitioners
  • Criminal defense attorneys
  • Class action lawsuit attorneys
  • Estate planning, wills and trusts attorneys
  • And more
Wondering about the cost? It’s just .75 to $1.50 per targeted household or location.

Ready to improve your brand?

The secret behind a strong law firm brands is a combination of creative elements and on-point messaging. Get a leg up on your competition with IP marketing tailored to your needs.

Let us create an IP targeting campaign that will improve your marketing exposure and improve your business.

IP Targeting Cost Estimator

Fill out the form for a price quote and target information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does this ad service do?
Through a unique series of patented technologies, you can precisely target households online using banner ads, display ads and video. Geo-targeting uses groups of IP addresses to target an area. IP Targeting uses individual IP addresses to target specific households.

Who can I target through IP Targeting?
You can target previous customers, new leads or addresses from other sources. Send us your address list, we will run it through for matches, then we can set up an ad campaign to reach them.

What is New Mover IP Targeting?
New Mover Targeting is perfect for restaurants, salons, car washes, dentists, health care, auto repair, HVAC, yard services and home services. You will automatically reach new movers and target those households for a 90 day window. As they drop off, new targets are added automatically. You can also directly IP Target households through an address list, zip code list, map location, or specific business locations (like a stadium or airport). There are several advantages to New Mover Targeting, including:

  • Reach new customers first. System updates twice daily, allowing you to reach New Movers almost immediately.
  • Enhances the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.
  • Improved conversion rates.
  • Targeted and cost effective.

Where will my ads appear?
We have access to place ads on thousands of websites that display billions of advertising impressions per day. Popular sites where your ads can appear include Fox News, MSN, CNN, Yahoo!, email portals and other sites.

Can I control who sees my ads?
Yes. This is one of the primary benefits of the IP Targeting platform. Your ads are targeted to new mover households with laser-like accuracy.

Does the system use cookies?
No. The IP addresses of your targeted households are already known, so there is no need to use cookies for primary targeting. No one needs to visit your website first - you reach out to prospects directly.

What sort of reporting can I get?
We provide reports that include impressions served, clicks and click-through rate (CTR). We can tag your landing page link so you can further track visitors through your site analytics.

What size ads are used?
Creative should be within the following dimensions (below). We recommend that clients generate at least one creative in each size to maximize available ad inventory. While we can run campaigns with fewer sizes, it will limit the inventory available and may result in the campaign taking longer to serve the ads you purchased.

  • 300x250 (pixels)
  • 728x90 (pixels)
  • 320x50 (pixels)
  • 160x600 (pixels)
  • 300x50 (pixels)

Can you prepare the ads for me?
Yes! For your ad campaign, we will create a set of ads for you.

Can I make sure my ads do not appear on specific sites?
Yes, by default we will not serve ads on adult or “vice” sites. Additionally, sites with a history of low quality or fraudulent traffic are also eliminated.

How should I measure success from my IP targeting campaign?
We encourage our customers to focus less on clicks and more on conversions. Additionally, our most compelling return on investment data comes from post-campaign match-back analysis. Unlike most forms of online marketing, we start a typical campaign with a target list of customers or prospects. By comparing this list to your list of actual sales is one of the most effective methods to determine the efficacy of an individual campaign.

Do I need to have my logo on my ad?
Yes, to be displayed via a demand-side platform (DSP), ads need pass a 3rd party audit. One requirement is that some form of identification be visible on each advertisement. This can be your logo or the name of your organization.

Should I use this service for my entire advertising needs?
No, IP Targeting is a part of an integrated media plan strategy. We simply replace a portion of your traditional media spend and make it more effective.

Is there a setup fee?

What if I have more questions?
Fill out the cost estimator form above for a price quote. Ready to get started? Contact us below! We look forward to working with you!