Best Practices for IP Targeting Campaigns

IP Targeting has become a component of modern online marketing. If it’s not part of your business strategy, it should be. Like any other form of advertising, there are certain strategies that can help your advertising perform better.

IP Targeting provides an enormous level of marketing specificity. Marketers can advertise to their exact target customer, through that customer’s own devices. It’s efficient, targeted and can provide a great ROI.

(If you are not familiar with this advertising medium, we have a good article that explains IP targeting.)

Include IP Targeting to your current advertising campaigns

Using multiple touchpoint to reach a customer improves overall results. For example, pairing IP Targeting with email or other online advertising improves the chances that your ads get noticed and are acted upon. The key to using multiple advertising streams is to make sure the ad campaign matches in look and message across the different mediums.

Combine IP Targeting with your direct mail

Running a direct mail campaign? Great! Then you already have your IP targeting list ready to go. We can take your mail addres list and run it for IP matches. Then you can run an IP targeting campaign to start a few days before your mailer drops. That way, the postcard or letter is more likely to be noticed and less likely to be tossed as ‘junk mail’. You online ad helps reinforce your offline messaging. This is a powerful strategy that all advertisers should take advantage of.

Market to specific areas

Many local businesses want to target a specific area or neighborhood. With Digital Canvassing, we can identify the IP addresses in a specific area. You don’t even need the specific addresses, just a zip code, town or even a specific street will do. Then you can run IP targeting ads directly to those homes as a ‘canvassing’ campaign. And you can do it for a less than the price of a physical mailing!

Reach out to new residents

About 11 percent of Americans move each year. That comes to about 15.3 million new households set up in new locations. Since these movers are in a new area, they are actively looking for new places to shop and vendors to buy from. That where New Mover IP targeting comes in. With New Mover targeting, all new households are automatically added to a rolling list of targets. After 60 days, they drop off as other new addresses are added. If you provide HVAC, gardening or other home-based service, IP Targeting is a great way to AUTOMATICALLY reach new homeowners before your competition.

Target your CRM list

Advertising to a CRM list is one of the most basic IP targeting strategies. We can simply pload your CRM list, match targets, and directly engage with your customers. For best results, you should segment your data into groups. For example, segment and target customers who have not purchased from you for a period of time. You can also target recent customers to inform them of new products or services. Your targeting criteria is only limited by your database!

IP targeting banner ad tips

Use the most effective banner sizes

160x600 sample banner adRunning an campaigns with only a few ad sizes limits the inventory available to show your ads. Here the most popular display ad sizes to use in an IP targeting campaign.

  • 300×250 (pixels)
  • 728×90 (pixels)
  • 320×50 (pixels)
  • 160×600 (pixels)
  • 300×600 (pixels)
  • 300×50 (pixels)

Display your company logo

Brand awareness starts with your company logo. It’s one way for viewers to identify your business. You should have your business logo prominent in every display ad. It doesn’t need to be the most prominent element, but it should be recognizable.

Add an offer or value proposition

Showcase  the service or product you provide with an attractive value proposition or offer. It should be something that is simple and easily understood. This can include: “Limited Time”, “30% Off”, or even a slogan – if appropriate. The offer or value proposition should be large enough to immediately catch the viewers eye. Consider using a different font or color.

Too much can be … too much

With any ad, keep the copy and visuals simple. We’ve had advertisers try to cram in too much text into their ads, and it doesn’t work. For one thing, most ad sizes don’t allow much text. For those that do, like a 300×600 pixel ad, it can still be too much. Viewers glance at ads, most won’t read the copy. Also, ads with too much text tend to have a lower click through rate. (After all, why click on the ad when you’ve already told the viewer everything you want them to know!)

Include a call to action

A call to action (or CTA) is what you want the viewer to do. It’s not enough to just tell them your offer. You need to lead them to the next step. This can be text or a button that invites viewers to click. Phrases like “Learn More”, “Call Now” or ‘”Get Started” are common, but successful examples.

Track your results

Tracking your marketing campaigns is crucial to understanding where your website traffic comes from and what elements of your marketing are working best. Simply sending traffic to a landing page without tracking signups or sales is a waste of time and money.

IP targeting campaigns can be tracked and measured in a couple of ways:

  • Click-through rate
  • What ads performed best
  • Conversions – this can be email signups, purchases, leads and more

Since you know who you are targeting through an IP campaign, you can match up conversions to that list. This can help you know who to target in the future and what segments of your list are responding best to your advertising.

Why advertising numbers may differ

You may find that the numbers provided from your advertising service, such as clicks, differ from what you are tracking from your own website analytics. The answer is simple. The advertising vendor tracks clicks directly from their end. However, when the visitor arrives at your website, ad blockers may prevent the tracking code from loading, and the visitor is rendered ‘invisible’. It doesn’t mean the visitor didn’t see the page or interact with the site or even sign up for something, it just means their visit (and possible conversion) might not be properly tracked.

Interested in IP targeting? Get a free cost estimate below or contact us to get started.



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